To participate, write a short biography about your small group, upload your project to the forum on the participants only page, tag "Whereintheworldismath" on facebook, or share with @whereismath on twitter. Then comment on the projects of others from your classroom, your country, and also your world.
(Click here to see the host class creating their projects.)
Take photos and/or make short videos (30 seconds) over a period of time that show instances of you using math in everyday ways. It can be at your home, at the store, on the street or anywhere you find yourself using a math concept you have learned.
Form groups (of 3-4 people) and create a presentation by combining the photos or videos from your small group into one product. I highly recommend my favorite tool, google presentations, which is free, but you can use any tool you choose. You can add music or voiceover if you are so inclined, but remember to follow all copyright laws.
Write a short paragraph about your small group to include with your presentation. (See example.)
Upload your presentation to the forum on the "View our Projects - Participants Only" page. Or you can upload it to twitter (share with @whereismath) or facebook (tag Whereintheworldismath).
Review, learn from, and respond to the presentations of at least 2 other projects available. Remember to use your netiquette skills. Share something interesting you saw in other projects and how it is similar or different from your experience. Be polite and constructive. Remember that you are sharing with people from other cultures, so be sensitive and show appreciation for the diversity found within our projects.
Over the next few weeks and months, look to see what comments other have left for you and continue the conversation by commenting to them as well.
A Global Learning Project: Merging subject matter learning with global collaboration and perspective.
Currently in Progress: January to May 2015