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Find Math in Real Life

Hover over the photo to see how it relates to math. Click the arrow to see more photos.

In this GLP, we not only identify ways that math is used in our everyday lives, but also observe how math is used in the lives of others.  We share photos and videos of our use of math and comment intelligently on what others around the world have shared. If you have ever asked “When will I ever use this in real life?”, then this GLP is for you!

Collaborate Globally

Calling all Middle and High School math students (ages 11-18) from across the world... come share where math is used in your everyday life! Let us collaborate together and learn from our similarities and differences.

My name is Julia Urbanski.  I am a high school math teacher in southern California earning my Masters Degree in Instructional Technology. I have created this GLP to increase awareness of the importance of math in the lives of students. I want my students to know why math matters and how it is used all over the world.

Enhance Learning

Discover the relevancy of math by connecting it to the real world.


Increase problem-solving skills by working together to create a product.


Widen your horizons to see the similarities, differences and shared experiences between your culture and others.


Prepare for a future in a globally connected world by applying appropriate written communication skills including sensitivity to and appreciation of diversity. 


Add new technology skills to your growing repertoire.

 A Global Learning Project: Merging subject matter learning with global collaboration and perspective.

Currently in Progress: January to May 2015 

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