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View Our Projects

View Our Projects

We hope you enjoy these SAMPLES of how we use math in our lives.  When you join our GLP, then we will send you a password to view and add projects to the participants only page.  Please don’t forget to comment on our projects so we can learn how math in your life compares to math in our lives.

 (Full projects, student biographies and explanations are available on "participants only" page.)

 (Click play to see. Click on the slide to advance.)

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Intersecting LInes

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Rotational Symmetry

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Parallel Lines

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Mrs. Urbanski's Class


Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Mrs. Urbanski's Class

Right Angles

Mrs. Martin's Class

Mrs. Martin's Class

Fractions, Geometrical Shapes and Time-telling

Mrs. Martin's Class

Mrs. Martin's Class

Geometrical Shapes, Symmetry and Equality

Mr. Weissburg's Class

Mr. Weissburg's Class


Mr. Weissburg's Class

Mr. Weissburg's Class


Mr. Lopez's Class

Mr. Lopez's Class

Percent Discount

Mr. Lopez's Class

Mr. Lopez's Class


Mr. Lopez's Class

Mr. Lopez's Class

Unit Rate/Comparing

Mr. Lopez's Class

Mr. Lopez's Class

Ratios for Baking

 A Global Learning Project: Merging subject matter learning with global collaboration and perspective.

Currently in Progress: January to May 2015 

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